Time in Panamá now

Quarta-feira, Fevereiro 5, 2025, semana 6

Time zone info for Panamá

UTC -5
Eastern Standard Time (EST)
agora same time as Nova Iorque

Time difference
from Panamá

Los Angeles
3 horas
3 horas
1 horas
1 horas
Nova Iorque0
São Paulo+2 horas
Londres+5 horas
UTC+5 horas
Lagos+6 horas
Paris+6 horas
Zurique+6 horas
Cairo+7 horas
Joanesburgo+7 horas
Istambul+8 horas
Moscovo+8 horas
Dubai+9 horas
Mumbai+10.5 horas
Hong Kong+13 horas
Singapura+13 horas
Xangai+13 horas
Tóquio+14 horas
Sydney+16 horas
Compare other time zones

Panamá on the map

Annual average temperatures
for Panamá 1901-2021

Each of the stripes represents one year.
Graphics by Ed Hawkins, using data from Berkeley Earth.
See showyourstripes.info.

The 25 largest cities in

Aguadulce Alcalde Díaz Antón Arraiján Bocas Town Cativá Changuinola Chepo Chilibre Chitré Colón David La Chorrera La Concepción Nuevo Arraiján Pacora Panamá Pedregal Puerto Armuelles Sabanitas San Miguelito Santiago Tocumen Veracruz Vista Alegre